Our Work on the Sustainable Development Goals in Nepal

How the UN is supporting The Sustainable Development Goals in Nepal

Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires the cooperation of governments, private sector, civil society and citizens. The UN in Nepal works with these key institutions alike to make sure that Nepal’s commitments to the SDGs is translated into practice. The UN in Nepal has partnered with the Government to nationalize the SDG targets, implement the SDGs, mobilize resources, and monitor the progress towards achieving the SDGs by 2030. For example, the partnership has already led to formulation of the Sustainable Development Goals, Status and Roadmap: 2016-2030 and paved the way for development of “National Integrated Financing Framework” through review and analysis of various development finance policies and strategies. The partnership as well as advocacy with private sector by the UN in Nepal has begun to inspire responsible business practices and SDG-oriented investments in Nepal. As a result, we can see business ventures being adapted to climate change and geared for innovative and cost-effective technologies. The collaboration of the UN in Nepal with Civil Society and citizens has raised adequate awareness among people and policy makers alike on the needs to implement SDGs to make sure we leave a better planet for future generations. Most importantly, the UN in Nepal has played an important role in promoting the implementation principle of the SDGs— “leave no one behind”. The UN in Nepal has worked with all the four institutions— governments, private sector, civil society and citizens—to ensure that Nepal upholds the international norms and standards to respect rights of women and vulnerable communities as well as implements special policy measures to meet their basic needs.

The Sustainable Development Goals in Nepal

Nepal committed to the SDGs early on, and this commitment has been reaffirmed in key policy documents, such as the current 15th Development Plan and the 25 Year Long-Term Vision 2100 that internalises the Goals. SDGs codes are assigned for all national development programmes through the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework. Further, Nepal has prepared the SDG Status and Roadmap to localize the SDG indicators with baselines and targets for 2030. Other key documents are a SDGs Needs Assessment, a Costing and Financing Strategy, and additional SDGs Localization Guidelines. Finally, Nepal has conducted a Development Finance Assessment (DFA) to provide an overview of development finance flows and institutions and policies that can align finance with national development priorities. These are the goals the UN is working on in Nepal: